Exclusive Interview with Filmmaker Lynne Sachs

Lynne Sachs is an extraordinary filmmaker with a distinct and unique approach to documentary filmmaking. Each one of her films is an exploration into a secret hidden world as well as an experiment with the medium of visual storytelling. Currently, the Sheffield Documentary Film Festival is running a ‘Directors in Focus’ showcase of Sachs’ work where you can catch pieces like “Your Day is My Night”, “The Washing Society” and her latest film “Film About a Father Who”. Continue reading Exclusive Interview with Filmmaker Lynne Sachs

Exclusive Interview with Lisa Rovner, Director of “Sisters With Transistors”

“Sisters With Transistors” is the debut feature from French American director Lisa Rovner. The film was part of the official selection at this year’s Sheffield Documentary Film Festival as well as being part of the official selection at the SXSW Film Festival. The documentary tells the untold story of electronic music’s female pioneers, remarkable composers who embraced machines and their liberating technologies to utterly transform how we produce and listen to music today. Continue reading Exclusive Interview with Lisa Rovner, Director of “Sisters With Transistors”

Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: “Sisters With Transistors”

“Sisters With Transistors” should win an award for having the best film title of this year. This is the first feature documentary from French American artist and filmmaker Lisa Rovner and it’s a brilliant piece of revolutionary filmmaking that sets your senses aflame. Not only is this film eye-opening, it’s ear-opening, in fact it goes beyond that…it’s truly soul-opening. “Sisters With Transistors” is a beautiful journey into a hidden world of female composers and electronic music that will capture your imagination and will lead you down a rabbit hole into a soundscape that is like nothing else you’ve ever heard before. Continue reading Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: “Sisters With Transistors”

Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: “Film About a Father Who”

Lynne Sachs’ documentaries are quite unlike anything else you will ever see. Poetic, impactful and moving journeys into unique worlds which are rarely captured on-screen whether it’s the hidden world of laundrettes in her film “The Washing Society” or the world of immigrants sharing a ‘shift-bed’ in “Your Day Is My Night”. Every film feels like it has a personal connection to Sachs, but it is perhaps her latest film, “Film About a Father Who” that is her most personal yet. Continue reading Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: “Film About a Father Who”

Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: The Kiosk (Le Kiosque)

In the world of the Kiosk, everything is within a 2-metre distance. It’s a small, cramped and confined world, certainly not one for those suffering from claustrophobia. We find ourselves in the world of the Kiosk, seeing it through the eyes of the young French filmmaker Alexandra Pianelli. The Kiosk has been in her family for four generations now, and we can see the history of this world around us. In the coin trays, we can see how the wood has been worn down after years of fingers rummaging around for the right change, “the fossils of our fingers” is the way that the director describes it to us. Previously Alexandra’s mother was the sole inhabitant of this world, but now Alexandra is experiencing it and we are with her every step of the way. Continue reading Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: The Kiosk (Le Kiosque)

Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: Judy Versus Capitalism

Just who is Judy Rebick? Well, it’s a complicated question to ask. Judy is a proud second-wave feminist from Canada, and has been an activist for women’s rights for over five decades. She’s the woman who saved abortionist Dr. Henry Morgentaler from being stabbed. She’s from a Jewish family but she’s a campaigner to free Palenstine. She’s the survivor of abuse, an eating disorder, and other mental health issues. And, she fights against the corruption of Capitalism. However, she’s fighting against so much more and she’s been fighting all her life. Judy is a lot of things, but mostly she’s just herself. Continue reading Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: Judy Versus Capitalism

Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: Mother-Child (Niña mamá)

Shot in black and white, “Mother-Child” is beautifully stark and honest. There are no fancy, dramatic camera angles. Instead, cinematographer Gustavo Schiaffino, makes the decisions to shoot in simple mid-shots and the rare close-up, but there’s so much power and intense beauty in these shots. Our focus should solely be on these mothers and their children. Continue reading Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: Mother-Child (Niña mamá)

Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: Your Mothers Comfort (Aconchego da tua Mãe)

On the wall of a LGBTQ+ safe house called Nem House located in Rio De Janeiro are the following words: I am a Feminist Whore. This could well be the motto for the transgender political activist, Indianara Siqueira, who we follow in this documentary from filmmaker Adam Golub. Of course, Indianara is so much more than just a “feminist whore”, throughout the documentary we see countless transgendered and queer indviduals come up to her and say how much of an inspiration for her. Continue reading Sheffield Doc Fest Exclusive Review: Your Mothers Comfort (Aconchego da tua Mãe)