Exclusive Interview With Clayton Scott, Director of “Below the Fold”

Ask any inspiring filmmaker out there about the difficulties of making their first feature film and they’ll be able to reel off a dozen difficult encounters and challenges that they had to face. However, Clayton Scott’s experiences and struggles filming the tense crime thriller “Below the Fold” are something special. Continue reading Exclusive Interview With Clayton Scott, Director of “Below the Fold”

Exclusive Interview with Filmmaker Lynne Sachs

Lynne Sachs is an extraordinary filmmaker with a distinct and unique approach to documentary filmmaking. Each one of her films is an exploration into a secret hidden world as well as an experiment with the medium of visual storytelling. Currently, the Sheffield Documentary Film Festival is running a ‘Directors in Focus’ showcase of Sachs’ work where you can catch pieces like “Your Day is My Night”, “The Washing Society” and her latest film “Film About a Father Who”. Continue reading Exclusive Interview with Filmmaker Lynne Sachs

Exclusive Interview with Georgia Hurt and Sian Astor-Lewis Regarding “To Nowhere”

“To Nowhere” is a micro-budget film that focuses on telling a queer love story and exploring gender identity. It’s currently in its final stages of post-production but the filmmakers need your help to raise the funds necessary to finish this project. ITOL editor, Bianca Garner, sat down with producer Georgia Hurt and director Sian Astor-Lewis to discuss the film in more depth, from its inception to the challenges they faced making a film on such a small budget. Most importantly, we discuss how you can show your support for this project and help to promote new and emerging talent in the indie filmmaking scene. Continue reading Exclusive Interview with Georgia Hurt and Sian Astor-Lewis Regarding “To Nowhere”

Review: The Vast of Night

One of the best things this reviewer loves about cinema is the feeling of awe when one is transported into the world of the film. In the time of the current pandemic, the cinema experience is being missed more and more. Some filmgoers would love to venture into something new and otherworldly while other filmgoers would love to venture into something warm, comforting and familiar.

It is quite fitting that of the film under review, “The Vast of Night” (2019), is about the wonder of discovery under tough circumstances. When the film had its first showing at the Slamdance Film Festival in 2019, it premiered to glowingly positive reviews and has now been released earlier than expected on VOD due to the pandemic. Will the film live up to its immense hype? Continue reading Review: The Vast of Night

ITOL Top 50 Films of the Decade, Entry No. 25: Shirkers

In 1992 Sandi Tan set out to make Singapore’s first road movie with the assistance of her friends Jasmine Ng and Sophie Siddique, as well as her mentor a much older man called Georges Cardona. Cardona was an enigmatic man who claimed to be the inspiration of James Spader’s character in “Sex, Lies and Videotapes”. To Tan, he was someone who saw her potential as a filmmaker and helped shaped her love for independent film. Cardona knew his cinema, but he was a magpie simply picking things up that didn’t belong to him and claiming them to be his own.

The plot of Tan’s film followed a young woman (who was played by Tan herself) who goes on the run after committing a crime. Along the way she creates new friends, picking up stray children like a pied-piper character as she travels across Singapore. Continue reading ITOL Top 50 Films of the Decade, Entry No. 25: Shirkers

My Life Upside Down: the Harsh Reality of Producing an Independent, Mainstream Style Comedy

Here at ITOL we were lucky to have actor, writer and filmmaker Allie Loukas write about her experience making her comedy film, “Kathryn Upside Down” (you can find our review here). Allie’s detailed experience makes a fascinating read in regards to the challenges she faced and how her experienced shaped her as a filmmaker. Continue reading My Life Upside Down: the Harsh Reality of Producing an Independent, Mainstream Style Comedy

Exclusive Interview With Filmmaker Allie Loukas

We were lucky to get the chance to speak to Allie Loukas on her funny, and witty debut film “Kathryn Upside Down” which we reviewed here. In our interview, Allie discusses the process of shooting on a low-budget, overcoming challenges with sexist crew members and how the films of John Hughes inspired her. Continue reading Exclusive Interview With Filmmaker Allie Loukas